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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

AISHA : Can I fly Over The Rainbow Like The Bluebirds?
11:15 AM

Monday, March 24, 2008

In the journey of life, each of us comes into constant contact with different kinds of emotions which will either breakdown or build up our character and our very life. These feelings are mainly expressed as joy or sorrow. All of us delight in joy so much so that we often take it for granted but we dread the thought of sorrow which is actually a blessing in disguise.

Setbacks come to us in many various forms, be it in money matters , departure from earth of a much loved one or in failure and disappointment at not obtaining our desires and ambitions. So many of us indulge ourselves in self pity and tears, that our eyes are blind to the many long lasting virtues we would have gained. If we really weigh the pros and cons of experiences undergone during times of grief and pain, we will realize that some misfortune is good for everyone. This period is actually a test of our character, faith and strength as well as our friends. From it we can differentiate who are our sincere and true friends.

"True friends are like diamonds, precious and rare" , this is so real in our lives in this world of insincerity and deceit that we cannot choose to ignore it. When we are in plenty, friends flock to us like ants attracted to sugar but when we are reduced to penniless beggars, they scatter as though we are suffering from leprosy! However, the few friends that remain are worth all the gold and silver in this world. They are the ones who comfort us in time of sadness and the ones to turn to in time of need.

It has been quoted that "from the darkest of rain --- clouds burst the most abundant and joyous of raindrops". So too, after the deepest feeling of unhappiness, we emerge victoriously as an experienced and more understanding person. Our experiences will carry us through successfully in further storms of life. Our understanding will make us "feel" and sympathize for others who are going through a similar ordeal. This makes us calmer and more patient in life.

AISHA : Can I fly Over The Rainbow Like The Bluebirds?
7:45 PM

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Topic : Do you think marriages should be arranged by parents or left to the choice of the young people concerned ?
Topic given by : Katherine
Blog update by : AISHA

This is a question which may be viewed from different angles.
It may be point of view of the parents or the youngsters who marry or again from the commonsense point of view.

A parent wants his son or daughter married because he wants his species propagated. He wants his son or daughter married to a healthy person who would prove a good life mate and make married life tolerable .The parent cares also for the stock. In other words he wants to assure himself that the person with whom his son or daughter is married does not suffer from any disease. They must have a fair name in society. Very often, the financial position of the parties gets into the consideration. Because of the specific advantage to be gained financially, an alliance is made. Sometimes ,the youngsters may not like such an alliance and so the marriages end in unhappiness.

From the point of view of the youngster, he wants to marry as he likes. In his consideration, it may be the personal qualities of the girl whom he wants to marry. In the first freshes of love, he is likely to overlook many other factors. Because the youngster is not experienced and worldly-wise, his choice need not always be correct. Because of such wrong alliances, there are more misunderstandings and divorces in western countries. Under the wrong notion of love marriages, there have been more illicit connections and children born before marriage. So wisdom tells that youngsters would better think twice before they get married. They would not lose anything by consulting their parents and taking their advice and blessing.

AISHA : Can I fly Over The Rainbow Like The Bluebirds?
10:40 PM

Saturday, March 22, 2008

What Your Easter Egg Says About You

You are cheerful, friendly, and open minded.

You do your best to make sure everyone is happy, including yourself.

Empathy comes easily to you. You are very forgiving.

You don't hold grudges. You easily forget about any negativity in your life.

The Easter Egg Personality Test

AISHA : Can I fly Over The Rainbow Like The Bluebirds?
7:15 PM

Thursday, March 20, 2008

It was a hot night and I could not sleep, I got up and looked out of the window. The sky was very beautiful to look at. There was a half moon and many stars were burning bright in the firmament.

While I was absorbed in this noble scene, I heard a moaning sound from the next right. I listened for a while. I thought at first that somebody was snoring and perhaps raising this cry in his dream. But the moaning sound continued. It was followed by other sounds. They were so confusing that I could not understand. I felt the sound came from two people quarreling. I wondered what could have been the matter at that hour of night.

The quarreling noise increased. Now and then, I could identify a voice that appeared to be begging. Very soon , I heard the noise of blows and a shrill cry of a woman. Still I hesitated to move out and go and see what the matter was. True, the neighbour was an acquaintance of mine, but the hour of the night and the nature of the voice resisted me from going out to interfere.

While I was thinking that way, I heard a sudden crash, as though something heavy had fallen. This was followed by a fearful cry and silence followed. I feared something horrible had happened. So, I dared out and went to the neighbour's door and knocked at it. It was opened by my neighbour, who appeared a picture of dismay and bewilderment. After some excuses ,I en-quired of him what the matter was.

He took me in and showed me a scene. There lay his wife curled on her bed. One or two chairs had been turned upside down. Things were in a disarray. The neighbour showed me a chair to sit. After seating himself near, he told me that his wife had been a hysterical patient and would now and then create scenes in the night. The voices were theirs when he tried to quieten her, she would not. Then she pushed the chair vehemently which was the cause for the crash. And after a cry , she lay down is a swoon. It appeared, he took it easy because, it was a common occurrence. While I sought his excuse for disturbing him, he begged my pardon for having disturbed my peace at night. I bade him good-night and returned to my room.

AISHA : Can I fly Over The Rainbow Like The Bluebirds?
8:00 PM

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I would much rather be an only child than have six brothers and sisters!

Advantages and disadvantages.
Advantages - parents can spend well in upbringing better food, clothing and education. Parents too can attend on the child. Bring him/her upon a particular fashion.

Disadvantages - loneliness , petted and spoiled loses the companionship - many human qualities cannot find expression - can't be healthy growth , can't understand the value of give and take - can't understand the importance of living for others - Better to have one or two brothers and/or sister.

It is entirely correct to say that being the only child would be better than having brothers and sisters. Being an only child has it plus points as well as minus points, in other words advantages and disadvantages.

Let us look at the advantages first. The parents can spend well in the upbringing of the child. The child can be provided with better food, nutritious and well balanced which may not be possible in a big family. The child can have fruits and drinks, and nice things to eat like biscuits and so on. The child can have better and a variety of clothings. Even good materials can be got for his/her clothing and new fashions can be indulged in.

Besides these the child can enjoy good education. He/she can be sent to a good school from the beginning because the parent can afford to meet the expenses. Good education means good books, good teachers and good tools. For instance where there are many children an average parent cannot find means to provide even a good atlas , instrument box and so on. Picture books and story books will have become out of the question . Because of better attention to his/her education, the only child can hope to reach high rungs of the leader provided, of course, he/she has the brains.

Another signal advantage is the parent can attend on the child personally. This will help the parent to share the child in a fashion he/she likes. Barring,petting and pampering, the parent can be helpful in the mental and intellectual growth of the child. There can be an intimacy which will help in later years .

There are also disadvantages in being an only child. The child will feel lonely, companion-less and none to share his/her joys and sorrows. The parent cannot take the place of a brother or sister because of the age gap. Because he/she is the only child he/she may be petted and pampered and so he/she will easily become a spoilt child. He/she will develop more negative qualities like selfishness, pettiness and obstinacy. He/she won't have the opportunity to develop many human qualities. Love, affection, kindness, sympathy, appreciation and many such qualities cannot easily develop in an only child. For the chances for development of these qualities will be far and few between. Then again there will be a few opportunities to give expression to those qualities. When they are not developed, he/she can't have a healthy growth and he cannot become well rounded personality. He/she cannot understand the value of give and take which is very important in life. He/she will become so selfish that he/she would like to have everything for himself/herself. He/she cannot understand the importance of living for others.

In a corporate society each member has to live with others, means adjustments and a lot of give and take . A big rope is after all a combination of many straws and its strength depends on how well it has been twisted. So too unless the society is made up of well seasoned members, it cannot stand the onslaught of bad powers. So the lonely child with many a minus point to his/her account cannot easily fit in. So weighing all these considerations, I would like to have brothers and sisters, not oo many for the matter of that, rather than be a lonely child.


AISHA : Can I fly Over The Rainbow Like The Bluebirds?
11:00 PM

Guess what? I dig-ed out some of my primary school stuffs this morning and found some of the essays I did when I was in Primary 2.
Below are some essays I did in Year 1997.

1.The person I admire the most.

The person I admire most is my mother.She is an understanding,helpful and loving person. She is always there to give me a guiding hand whenever I need it. She is strict at times,especially when I misbehaved. When I am sick, she is always there at my bedside, nursing me with her loving hands.

My mother gets up very early each morning and prepares breakfast for the family and sees my twin sister and I to school. At times, she helps us with our homework. She forbids me to tell lies and says that lies will not get me anywhere in life. My mother also advises me to be punctual at all times. She devotes all her attention to the needs of the family.

These are some of the reasons why I admire my mother so much.

2. My music teacher.

I started learning piano when I was seven years old.

My music teacher is Miss Monica. She is a very nice young lady. She is very friendly and talks gently in a soft tone. Sometimes, when I forgot to do my homework, she never scolds me, but tells me to do it right away.

Miss Monica has long curly hair. She drives a blue car to my house every Saturday afternoon. I like her smile, she looks very sweet when she smiles.

She taught me a number of music pieces. She always encourages me to practice more. One day, I was asked to perform in the school concert. I feel very proud when everyone clapped loudly. I must thank my music teacher, Miss Monica.

3. My favorite subject.

My favorite subject is English. The English Language is an international language. It is spoken and used in many countries around the world.

If I am good in English, I can do well in other subjects like Mathematics. Nowadays, English is the most important subject in school.

If my English is good, I can express better in my written compositions.
How was my English when I was in Primary 2?

AISHA : Can I fly Over The Rainbow Like The Bluebirds?
11:45 AM

Monday, March 17, 2008

Being an elder brother or a sister has its own advantages as well as problems. In a big family, the elder one has to share some of the responsibilities of both father and mother. If this can be looked upon as a necessary difficulty, one cannot avoid it. For the smooth running of the family, such a service of the elder child, is always expected.

Now let us see some of the problems of looking after the younger ones. They have to be kept away from the kitchen when mother is working. But it is not an easy task. If you obstruct them, they raise a cry and begin to weep. This disturbs mother. If one or two slaps are given on their backs, they will cry as though the very sky has fallen on them. Very often, the elder one is asked to dress up the children. It is really an ordeal. They prove very rebellious and make the task very hard and make one lose all patience. Quite often, they have to be taught either they won't come at all for studies or prove very stubborn. The elder one has to be an image of patience. Still nothing can be taught . If the elder one were to lose patience, only he or she will be found fault with.

Another difficulty is the elder one cannot own anything, new or attractive. Immediately, the younger ones want to have it. It may be a pen, an instrument box or even a pencil eraser. The elder one may protest but ultimately, it will be the younger ones who win.

Another trying occasion is when mother is away from home. It may be to a picture or visiting a friend , very often the younger one make a hell of that time. They quarrel among themselves, pick up a row, fly at each other's throat, they want to eat something and if that is given they want more. If not given, they will create a story and carry the complaint to the mother. The younger ones always spy on the elder one. They want to accompany the brother or sister wherever he or she goes. If they are taken they will always be ready to carry real of imaginary tales to the mother. One difficulty with them is , they want to be with the brother or sister and at the same time they want to have their own way. There may be exceptions but what has been written is FACT !

AISHA : Can I fly Over The Rainbow Like The Bluebirds?
10:15 PM

Saturday, March 15, 2008


The universe can be divided into the animate or the living and the inanimate or the non-living. What are the criteria by which an object is said to be alive or dead? No philosopher or scientist has ever been able to define life. Schopenhaver has well said that of all the living things in this world, it is only man who questions his existence. All other animals and plants continue to live without bothering about this question.

A friend of mine once told me that it is preferable to be a dog, a cat or even a sea-anemone since these creatures have no worries and can "enjoy" life. I put the word enjoy in inverted commas because I wonder whether such animals are rational or not. However, it is man who has the capacity to think. We question our existence, therefore, because we can think. The concept of "happy life" really arises from the human mind alone. Evidently it may similarly be said that life had its real beginning when man put thought into it . Remove thought from all spheres of our lives and everything becomes unintelligible and the whole universe sinks into a dark dismal abyss.

The true difference between a living and a non-living object lies in our concept of "life". Physicists reveal to us that the whole of the universe is made up of electric charges, and a combination and permutation of these charges constitute what we call energy , not mass. Each object differs from other because of the difference in the permutation of the electric charges.

Man only cares for his won well-being. Because of this difference , what then is the future of so many lives which are hardly life in man and life in an animal scientifically speaking of course. Are they or are they not aware of their existence?

Thus the purpose may be said by some to be manifold. Others may remain indifferent. Some may negate any purpose in life, saying that it is a mathematical result of all matter and has no design behind it. It takes some being with Infinite Intelligence to know the ultimate truth and no human being with this quality of perfect wisdom exists.

AISHA : Can I fly Over The Rainbow Like The Bluebirds?
10:30 PM

Friday, March 14, 2008

You Aren't a Natural Entrepreneur

But you could be an entrepreneur with some work.

You've got the vision and guts to make it happen.

You just need a little more practice in the business world.

Find out what you truly love to do, and the money will follow.

Are You a Natural Entrepreneur?

You Are 3% Burned Out

You are not burned out in the least.

Even though you work hard, you know how to pace yourself.

You are responsible, but you never let your responsibilities drain you.

You realize that taking care of yourself always comes first.

Are You Burned Out?

There's a 8% Chance You've Been Abducted By Aliens

There's virtually no chance you've been abducted by aliens.

But there's always hope for the future!

What Are the Chances that You've Been Abducted by Aliens?

Your Power Level is: 69%

You're a very powerful person, and you know that all of your power comes from within.

Keep on doing what you're doing, and you'll reach your goals.

How Powerful Are You?

You Are Balanced - Realist - Powerful

You feel your life is controlled both externally and internally.

You have a good sense of what you can control and what you should let go.

Depending on the situation, you sometimes try to exert more control.

Other times, you accept things for what they are and go with the flow.

You are a realist when it comes to luck.

You don't attribute everything to luck, but you do know some things are random.

You don't beat yourself up when bad things happen to you...

But you do your best to try to make your own luck.

When it comes to who's in charge, it's you.

Life is a kingdom, and you're the grand ruler.

You don't care much about what others think.

But they better care what you think!

The Three Dimension Luck and Power Test

You Communicate Like a Woman

You empathize, talk things out, and express your emotions freely.

You're a good listener, and you're non-judgmental with your advice.

Communication is how you connect with people.

You're always up for a long talk, no matter how difficult the subject matter is.

Do You Communicate Like a Man or a Woman?

You Are a Realist

You don't see the glass as half empty or half full. You see what's exactly in the glass.

You never try to make a bad situation seem better than it is...

But you also never sabotage any good things you have going on.

You are brutally honest in your assessments of situations - and this always seems to help you cope.

Are You An Optimist or Pessimist?

You Are a Liberal Lady

Like Cameron Diaz and Drew Barrymore, you don't shy away from your liberal causes.

You may consider yourself a feminist, and you definitely trust your heart to tell you what's right.

You are likely to have a million issues you care about - and not nearly enough time to devote to them all.

Are You a Liberal Lady or a Conservative Chick?

You Are Big Bird

Talented, smart, and friendly... you're also one of the sanest people around.

You are usually feeling: Happy. From riding a unicycle to writing poetry, you have plenty of hobbies to keep you busy.

You are famous for: Being a friend to everyone. Even the grumpiest person gets along with you.

How you life your life: Joyfully. "Super. Duper. Flooper."

The Sesame Street Personality Quiz

You Are 1: The Reformer

You're a responsible person - with a clear sense of right and wrong.

High standards are important to you, and you do everything to meet them.

You are your own worst critic, feeling ashamed if you're not perfect.

You have uncompromising integrity, and people expect you to be fair.

At Your Best: You are hopeful, honest, and inspiring. You bring out the best in humanity.

At Your Worst: You are intolerant, judgmental, and picky.

Your Fixation: Resentment

Your Primary Fear: Being corrupt.

Your Primary Desire: To be good.

Other Number 1's: Al Gore, Martha Stewart, Gandhi, Celene Dion, and Spock from Star Trek.

What Number Are You?

AISHA : Can I fly Over The Rainbow Like The Bluebirds?
10:00 PM

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Your Travel Personality Is: The Adventurer

For you, travel is how you learn about the world. And you like to learn the stuff that's not in guidebooks.

You truly have wanderlust. When you're not traveling, you're dreaming about where you'll go next.

And your travels are truly legendary - they leave you with stories you'll be telling for the rest of your life!

What's Your Travel Personality?

You Are a Smart American

You know a lot about US history, and you're opinions are probably well informed.

Congratulations on bucking stereotypes. Now go show some foreigners how smart Americans can be.

Are You a Dumb American?

You Are 87% Thankful

You're an incredibly thankful person, and everyone around you feels very appreciated.

You inspire people to be more optimistic, forgiving, and grateful.

How Thankful Are You?

Your Emoticon Is Laughing

You've got a wicked sense of humor. You're everyone's favorite IM buddy... at least today!

What Emoticon Best Represents You Right Now?

If You Were Slightly Different, Your Name Would Be:


What Would Your Name Be If You Were Slightly Different?

Your Inner Eye Color Is Blue

You've got the personality of a blue eyed women

You're intense and expressive - and always on the go

You've also got a sweet, playful side - which draws men in

What Color Eyed Woman Are You Really?

You Have A Type B Personality

You're as laid back as they come...

Your baseline mood is calm and level headed

Creativity and philosophy tend to be your forte

Like a natural sedative, you have a soothing effect on people

Friends and family often turn to you first with their problems

You have the personality to be a spiritual or psychological guru

Do You Have a Type A Personality?

You Are Basil

You are quite popular and loved by post people.

You have a mild temperament, but your style is definitely distinctive.

You are sweet, attractive, and you often smell good.

What Spice Are You?

Your True Birth Month Is November









High abilities


Never give up

Sharp thinking

Thinks forward

Always thinking

Motivates oneself

Loves to be alone

Has a lot of ideas

Difficult to fathom

Extraordinary ideas

Unique and brilliant

Brave and generous

Well-built and tough

Careful and cautious

Dynamic in personality

Deep love and emotions

Uncertain in relationships

Honest and keeps secrets

Can become good doctors

Less talkative but amiable

Stubborn and hard-hearted

Fine and strong clairvoyance

Not able to control emotions

Does not appreciates praises

Thinks differently from others

If there is a will, there is a way

Hardly become angry unless provoked

Knows how to get secrets out of others

What's Your True Birth Month?

Chance You'll Live to 100: 92%

100 is looking like a sure thing for you. So don't screw it up!

In fact, you may live even longer than that. You're healthy, and you have good genes.

Unless there's a robot uprising, you'll probably live a very long time.

Will You Live to 100?

For the twelve days of Christmas, your true love will send you:

Twelve robots drumming

Eleven candycanes a-sticking

Ten gymnasts a-leaping

Nine ladies knitting

Eight goats a-milking

Seven eggnogs a-intoxicating

Six drunks a-drinking

Five golden necklaces

Four calling bill collectors

Three French chefs bearing escargot

Two stale fruit cakes

And a monkey in a cherry tree

What Will You Get for the 12 Days of Christmas?

AISHA : Can I fly Over The Rainbow Like The Bluebirds?
10:20 PM

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

What People Think of Your Mouth

People see you as both demanding and irresistible.

You are often the center of attention - and that's how you like it.

You are up for anything and very energetic. People sometimes propose wild ideas to you.

And who knows? Maybe you'll take them up on it. You are known to be a little freaky!

What Does Your Mouth Say About You?

Your Five Variable Love Profile

Propensity for Monogamy:

Your propensity for monogamy is medium.

In general, you prefer to have only one love interest.

But it's hard for you to stay devoted for too long!

There's too much eye candy to keep you from wandering.

Experience Level:

Your experience level is high.

You've loved, lost, and loved again.

You have had a wide range of love experiences.

And when the real thing comes along, you know it!


Your dominance is low.

This doesn't mean you're a doormat, just balanced.

You know a relationship is not about getting your way.

And you love to give your sweetie a lot of freedom.


Your cynicism is low.

You are an eternal optimist when it comes to love and romance.

No matter how many times you've been hurt - you're never bitter.

You believe in one true love, your perfect soulmate.

And if you haven't found true love yet, you know you will soon.


Your independence is low.

This doesn't mean you're dependent in relationships..

It does mean that you don't have any problem sharing your life.

In your opinion, the best part of being in love is being together.

The Five Variable Love Test

The Only Thing You Play is "Cool"

It's not that you don't have the skills to juggle a few men

Nope, you just lack the desire.

You prefer dating to be a simple one on one process.

No games, no other people, no drama - just you and the guy you're getting to know.

When It Comes to Men, Are You a Player?

You Have Your Emotions in Check

You are an incredibly stable and happy person.

Ever consider being a therapist?

You have figured out how to keep a positive outlook, no matter what.

You don't have an easier life than anyone else. You just have figured things out a little more.

Can You Keep Your Emotions in Check?

You Are 91% Pure

You're so pure ... you make a nun look like a whore!

There's a lot of life's dark side left for you to experience... if you want to.

The 100 Question Purity Test

You Are 61% Tortured Genius

You are smart. Brilliant in fact. And while it's a blessing, it's also a curse.

Your head is filled with everything - grand ideas, insufferable worries, and a good deal of angst.

Are You a Tortured Genius?

You Passed 8th Grade US History

Congratulations, you got 7/8 correct!

Could You Pass 8th Grade History?

You Passed 8th Grade Math

Congratulations, you got 10/10 correct!

Could You Pass 8th Grade Math?

You Passed 8th Grade Geography

Congratulations, you got 9/10 correct!

Could You Pass 8th Grade Geography?

You're Very Fit

Congratulations, you're totally fit and doing everything right.

Keep it up. You're doing great things for your health and probably inspiring others.

Be sure to keep challenging yourself so you don't get in a fitness rut!

Are You a Fit Girl?

AISHA : Can I fly Over The Rainbow Like The Bluebirds?
11:50 PM

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

You Are 12% Sociopath

You're empathetic, loyal, and introspective.

In other words, there's no way you're a sociopath... but you can spot one pretty easily!

Are You A Sociopath?

You Are Somewhat Like Your Mom

Believe it or not, you and your mom are pretty darn similar.

It may not seem like it at times, but you and your mom have a lot of common ground.

Over time, you'll probably get closer ... especially if you emphasize the things you like about each other.

Are You Like Your Mom?

You Get Enough Sleep

Although sometimes it make not feel like it on Monday morning...

You are getting enough sleep.

Want to sleep better? Try wearing socks to bed and turning your clock to where you can't see it.

Do You Get Enough Sleep?

Your Sensitivity Score: 16%

So you're not exactly the most sensitive soul on the planet.

You have a thick skin, and that makes you incredibly tough.

You can get through pretty much any situation - and you expect others to as well!

Are You Extremely Sensitive?

You Are a Total Snob

You're a total "it girl" - and you never let anyone around you forget it.

Sure, you probably have the style and looks to pull off the snobby attitude.

But no one thinks you're all that pretty on the inside.

Open your social circle up a little, and you might be surprised how fun less cool people can be.

Are You a Snobby Girl?

You Are Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

You are kind, popular, and generous.

You tend to be successful at anything you try.

A social butterfly, you are great at entertaining a crowd.

You are most compatible with strawberry ice cream.

What Flavor Ice Cream Are You?

You Are Fairly Normal

You scored 60% normal on this quiz

Like most people you are normal in some ways...

But you aren't a completely normal person. You're a little weird too!

Why You Are Normal:

You prefer a good meal to a good nap

You prefer fiction to non fiction

If you had to, you rather live without music and still have laughter

You prefer ruffled potato chips

You think glasses can make someone more attractive

Why You Aren't Normal:

You find the Chicken Dance to be the more embarrassing dance

You'd rather have cockroaches than rats in your home

When you're in a car, you prefer to be the passenger

You would rather be tan than pale

You rather screw someone over than be screwed over

What's Normal About You... And What's Not?

Your Vibe Is Somewhat Sexy

On a good day, you're the sexiest woman in the world

But on a bad day, you can't help but feel a little average

Try to remember the times you've felt the sexiest...

And keep that attitude even on the worst of days

What Kind of Sexy Girl Vibe Do You Have?

You Can Change Your Life, But It Won't Be Easy

You really, truly want to change. You're just not sure that you can do it.

You need a solid plan, supportive friends, and a strong will.

Think about times you've made hard changes, and what you did to get through them.

A change is in your future - you just need a little help getting started.

Can You Change Your Life?

You Are a Friendly Ex

While the guys you've dated haven't been perfect, you've kept most as friends

In fact, one or two of your exes may be your best friends - after all, they know you best

And though your mature attitude is awesome, make sure nothing gets too weird

Or else you could lose these friendships, simply because your exes' new women think you're *too* friendly

What Kind of Ex-Girlfriend Are You?

You Have Good Manners 62% of the Time

Your manners are quite excellent. You are well versed in etiquette.

Of course you have the occasional slip up, but you even apologize with grace.

How Are Your Manners?

You're a Confident Chica

You're a total superstar - and you know it

Even if no one else does (in which case you'll remind them)

You hate to admit that you're wrong... even to yourself

Your life is great - and you've thankful for every great thing you have

Are You a Confident Woman?

You Are a Fierce Femme

You have a wild side, and you aren't afraid to bring it out when the time is right.

But you also know when to hang back and keep your "crazy chick" persona in check.

In fact, some of your friends may be surprised to find out how far you can take it...

You may look mild mannered, but it's all an act!

Are You a Daring Woman?

You Are Independent Sexy

You drive men crazy with your "playing hard to get act"

Except, it's really not an act at all.

You're a strong, sexy woman with her own life and interests.

And that makes men even more interested in you!

What Kind of Sexy Girl Are You?

Your Waist to Hip Ratio is 0.7

You are very curvy, with a defined waist.

How Curvy Are You?

You Passed 8th Grade Spanish

Congratulations, you got 6/8 correct!

Could You Pass 8th Grade Spanish?

You Passed 8th Grade Science

Congratulations, you got 8/8 correct!

Could You Pass 8th Grade Science?

You Will Be a Cool Parent

You seem to naturally know a lot about parenting, and you know what kids need.

You can tell when it's time to let kids off the hook, and when it's time to lay down the law.

While your parenting is modern and hip, it's not over the top.

You know that there's nothing cool about a parent who acts like a teenager... or a drill sergeant!

Would You Be a Cool Parent?

Your Birthdate: February 8

Watch out Donald Trump! You've got a head for business and money.

You'll make it rich some day, even if you haven't figured out how yet.

A supreme individualist, you shouldn't get stuck in a corporate job.

Instead, make your own way - so that you can be the boss.

Your strength: Your undying determination

Your weakness: You require an opulent lifestyle

Your power color: Plum

Your power symbol: Dollar sign

Your power month: August

What Does Your Birth Date Mean?

You Are Aphrodite!

A total shining star with a ton of admirers

And no wonder: you live life to the fullest!

When things get bad, you can easily take off to a happier place

But occasionally, you need to deal with problems head on

What Goddess Are You?

AISHA : Can I fly Over The Rainbow Like The Bluebirds?
7:35 PM


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